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Build and deploy

Writing adapters

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If an adapter for your preferred environment doesn't yet exist, you can build your own. We recommend looking at the source for an adapter to a platform similar to yours and copying it as a starting point.

Adapters packages must implement the following API, which creates an Adapter:

/** @param {AdapterSpecificOptions} options */
export default function (options) {
/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Adapter} */
Type '({ config, route }: { config: any; route: { id: string; }; }) => void' is not assignable to type '(details: { config: any; route: { id: string; }; }) => boolean'. Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.2322Type '({ config, route }: { config: any; route: { id: string; }; }) => void' is not assignable to type '(details: { config: any; route: { id: string; }; }) => boolean'. Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'boolean'.
const adapter = {
name: 'adapter-package-name',
async adapt(builder) {
// adapter implementation
supports: {
read: ({ config, route }) => {
// Return `true` if the route with the given `config` can use `read`
// from `$app/server` in production, return `false`` if it can't.
// Or throw a descriptive error describing how to configure the deployment
return adapter;

Within the adapt method, there are a number of things that an adapter should do:

  • Clear out the build directory
  • Write SvelteKit output with builder.writeClient, builder.writeServer, and builder.writePrerendered
  • Output code that:
    • Imports Server from ${builder.getServerDirectory()}/index.js
    • Instantiates the app with a manifest generated with builder.generateManifest({ relativePath })
    • Listens for requests from the platform, converts them to a standard Request if necessary, calls the server.respond(request, { getClientAddress }) function to generate a Response and responds with it
    • expose any platform-specific information to SvelteKit via the platform option passed to server.respond
    • Globally shims fetch to work on the target platform, if necessary. SvelteKit provides a @sveltejs/kit/node/polyfills helper for platforms that can use undici
  • Bundle the output to avoid needing to install dependencies on the target platform, if necessary
  • Put the user's static files and the generated JS/CSS in the correct location for the target platform

Where possible, we recommend putting the adapter output under the build/ directory with any intermediate output placed under .svelte-kit/[adapter-name].

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